- Jun 12 Mon 2006 20:34
- Jun 12 Mon 2006 12:12
Dear Jesus
Sometimes, I feel disappointed to the world. Many people who hurt each other, and they don't know what they did. Jesus, 似乎,我沒辦法愛那些不可愛的人。我向你承認我的愛有限。 我自己掌管我的生命彷彿就是這麼的有限,也不完美。但是讓你來掌管,我只能單單依靠你。 This seems the only thing I can do. Jesus, give me a new life and a spiritual eyes to see the world through.
- Jun 11 Sun 2006 14:25
Recently, 我在服事上覺得比較得心應手一點,可能是因為最近真的面對自己的生命調整到了一個階段,與神的關係到了一個新的層次,覺得在這樣的狀況下,有更多的耐心和愛心去面對每件事情。
- Jun 06 Tue 2006 12:04
From the highest of heights to the depths of the sea
Creation's revealing Your majesty
- May 31 Wed 2006 07:30
The Path